Thursday, October 11, 2007

Machines Are Providing me aTheatrical Performance

After last week's conversation with my professor, my exploration of combining the natural and artificial senses of both human and machines. I have been swayed in the direction of looking at the theatrical and architectural work of Oskar Schlemmer. Although I wasn't completely sure how this topic was going to relate with my original thought, I was intrigued by Oskar Schlemmer's theories of the"mechanized body", movement and relationship to its environment.

The obstacles which are now present with my project is how I can interpret Oskar Schlemmer's work and apply the electronic and mechanical devices which I have encountered with my objects.
The question, among many are...How do my electronic objects transform, to replicate the movements of human, based on senses? are they based on either natural or artificial ones? Do my objects move due to senses...or provide a response which is collected by our senses?

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